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All episodes by Richard Denniss
Australia, the ‘land of suck-it-up’
This week, as we approach a federal budget, we’re bringing you The Cost: Inside the living crisis. We’ll explore the impact this crisis is having on our country, why it just isn’t ending and whether our leaders are doing enough to protect our standard of living.
Today, executive director of the Australia Institute Richard Denniss on when prices will finally stop going up – and the kind of country we risk becoming once the crisis is finally over.
Not getting paid enough? It's not just a feeling
Wages aren’t rising fast enough to keep up with inflation, and it means that many workers are actually falling behind.
Next week, businesses, unions and economic experts will sit down with the new government – whether they come up with a plan to address Australia’s wage stagnation, remains to be seen.
Scott Morrison’s economic lies
Many of the federal government’s claims about the economy don’t stack up. Economist and contributor to The Saturday Paper Richard Denniss explains how economic language is used to trick voters.
Taking back control of our super
Australian superannuation accounts are tumbling because of the coronavirus pandemic. Today, Richard Dennis on how our secretive $2 trillion super industry is spending our money and what needs to change.